
LUMIBIRD is one of the world's leading specialists in lasers. With 50 years of experience and expertise in 3 key technologies - fiber lasers/amplifiers, solid-state lasers, laser diodes - LUMIBIRD manufactures high performance lasers for the industrial, scientific, defense and medical markets. Listed on the stock exchange, the group (formerly Quantel-Keopsys) is headquartered in France and is present on several continents through its 9 production and R&D sites and its sales and support offices. LUMIBIRD, employs over 800 people and is growing at a double-digit rate.
iXblue photonics iXblue photonics
iXblue is a French company and long-lasting partner of LPL and LNE-SYRTE laboratories, that provides all the hardware and software to implement industry-grade turn-key optical frequency dissemination over optical fibers.
TOPTICA Photonics and its French representant Opton Laser TOPTICA Photonics and its French representant Opton Laser
TOPTICA Photonics (represented by Opton Laser in France) develops and manufactures high-end laser systems that serve scientific and industrial markets. The portfolio includes tunable diode lasers, ultrafast fiber lasers, terahertz systems as well as frequency combs. Frequency combs are used to measure absolute optical frequencies and to stabilize cw-lasers to specific frequencies, for example in order to drive transitions in cold atomic samples. Stabilization of Tunable Diode Lasers to a frequency comb is a reliable way forward to deal with the rising complexity of optical quantum technology applications.
Menhir Photonics Menhir Photonics
Menhir Photonics is the expert of cutting edge ultrafast lasers and related photonics solutions thanks to the experienced team in this field. Our lasers have the highest reliability found on the market. Menhir Photonics focuses on customer satisfaction and industrial markets. The company´s vision is to revolutionize the field ultrafast lasers by focusing on the reliability and robustness of our laser products to make them an essential tool for the industry. In France, we partnership with Wavetel who is the expert in optical metrology instruments and accordingly laser sources. Wavetel shares the same vision in delivering best technical solution to our scientific customers. Contact us at contact@menhir-photonics.com or about@wavetel.fr to discuss your project.
Labex First-TF Labex First-TF
The Cluster of Excellence FIRST-TF Network for Research, Innovation, Education, Services and Training in Time-Frequency FIRST-TF is a thematic network aiming to gather all the actors involved in time-frequency on a national scale. Building a network of experts, FIRST-TF supports collaborative projects in Time & Frequency metrology with a broad spectrum of applications, from fundamental physics to satellite-based positioning systems. In the current socio-economical context where synchronization-related problems are omnipresent, encouraging laboratory innovations and ensuring effective technology transfers are of high importance for the network. Finally, the FIRST-TF network coordinates opportunities in teaching as well as tools for lifelong learners, the general public and school audiences on space-time metrology, a fascinating topic at the crossroads of several disciplinary fields. 20 laboratories, 27 companies, 5 technical agencies and 5 other structures are part of the FIRST-TF network, around 5 founding laboratories: SYRTE, FEMTO-ST, LPL, UTINAM, GEOAZUR. .
Aix-Marseille Université Aix-Marseille Université
Largest French-speaking university, AMU is a research-intensive university of international standing, yet deeply rooted in its territory where it is a major player. Its reputation enjoys world-wide recognition. Its campuses extend over four geographic departements and meet stringent international standards that offer modern and attractive facilities to more than 80,000 students and 8,000 staff. As a responsible and committed university, Aix-Marseille University has made "living together" a priority and is renowned in international rankings for its anti-discrimination policy and, more generally, its CSR policy.
Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires
PIIM is a joint research laboratory of the CNRS and Aix-Marseille University located in Marseille, France. It brings together physicists and physical chemists who study dilute media - such as gases, plasmas and beams of ions, atoms and/or molecules - as well as their interactions with matter. Our researchers aim to understand the physical phenomena in these media in order to analyse and characterise matter.
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers
The Laser Physics Department studies interactions between light and matter. Our experiments range from the most fundamental aspects of basic science to applied research: quantum physics, atomic and molecular physics, optical devices, biomedical imaging. With lasers, we study quantum properties of atomic gases at ultra-cold temperatures; we probe atoms interacting with surfaces and nano-objects; we perform precision measurements in more and more complex molecules (up to some of biological interest); we make measurements in diffusive media or even within the human body. And we also stabilize the laser frequency and make new sources of light using, in particular, nanotechnologies.
Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord
Sorbonne Paris Nord University (formerly knowned as Paris University 13) is one of the thirteen universities that were created after the reorganization of the old Sorbonne after 1968. It now has 25,000 students, spread across five campuses pursuing degrees or continuing education. Truly multi-disciplinary in nature, Sorbonne Paris Nord University is a major center of teaching and research in the north of Paris.
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