About the school > LecturesThe lectures are gathered in three main chapters and are given by specialists coming from different background. Basic concepts Noise and stability of oscillators, by Fritz Riehle (retired from PTB, Germany) Introduction to the characteristics and characterization of stable optical oscillators (phase noise, Allan variance…), and to the concepts behind frequency stabilization. The servo loop, or the mean to reach stability transfer, by Frédéric Du Burck (LPL, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) Introduction to the various elements of a servo loop and their limitations in a metrological context, concepts and methods for a phase lock and a frequency lock. Clocks : methods and performance evaluation, by Fritz Riehle (Germany, retired from PTB) Introduction to the different types of clocks (RF and optical) and their stability and/or accuracy performance Frequency comparison and transfer Optical frequency comb: basic concepts, by Tara Fortier (NIST, USA) Principle of optical frequency combs (OFC) and methods to use them for frequency comparison and high precision physics, key components and characteristics of an OFC. New trends in optical frequency comb, by Tara Fortier (NIST, USA) Recent developments concerning compact frequency combs, combs emitting in the MIR or UV, combs based on Quantum Cascade Lasers Optical fiber links for frequency transfer, by Jochen Kronjaeger (NPL, UK) Frequency transfer through an optical fiber, methods for noise compensation and their main limitations, typical metrological performance of optical fiber links. Optical fiber links for time transfer, by Przemyslaw Krehlik (AGH, Poland) Principles and methods for RF and time transfer through an optical fiber, main limitations of the noise compensation, typical performance in terms of stability and uncertainty. Free-space time and frequency transfer, by Laura C. Sinclair (NIST, USA) Time and frequency transfer in free space for precise time synchronization using frequency combs or for relativistic geodesy. Applications to high-precision and high-sensitive measurements A case of high-precision frequency measurement using an OFC, by Thomas Udem (MPQ, Germany) High precision spectroscopy of Hydrogen with specific highlight on the uncertainty budget and the use of a comb for the improvment of the uncertainty. Molecular spectroscopy with optical frequency combs, by Nathalie Picqué (MPQ, Germany) New spectroscopy methods with molecules allowed by an optical frequency comb, with a focus on dual-comb spectroscopy. Example(s) of comb-allowed atomic spectroscopy, by Kjeld Eikema (VUA, Nederland) X-UV combs and Ramsey-comb spectroscopy in atoms and molecules Fundamental physics/fundamental constants, by Pacôme Delva (France, SYRTE) Applications of optical links and optical frequency combs to fundmental physics, with a focus on chronometric geodesy and search for dark matter effects Applications of optical links to Earth science, space geodesy and quantum communication, by Cecilia Clivati (INRIM, Italy) Applications of optical links to synchronization or syntonization tools in astrophysical measurements, to remote sensors in geophysics and to quantum communications
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