You still have few days to submit an abstract for your poster. The template has been sent to you and will be sent again very soon. Dealine for submission : 4th of April
Given the pandemic context, accessing the physics school is currently requiring a valid vaccine-pass (but you don't need any PCR test). There is the same regulation in public places as for instance bars, long distance trains, and ski-lifts.... Vaccine-passes from many countries are accepted (it currently includes EU, UK, CH, Israel, ...) For other countries, vaccine certificates can be transformed into a French vaccine pass under conditions, see https://www.sante.fr/how-to-obtain-a-french-health-pass. If you are in this last case, please contact us, we can help you with the formalities. Note that the covid regulation is susceptible to change, please consult the news regulary, as well as the official rules at https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/covid-19-international-travel or https://www.sante.fr/how-to-obtain-a-french-health-pass We recommend that you keep checking the sanitary safety requirements on the Les Houches school of physics website here (click on the title of this news to end there).
The number of applications being a little larger than the number of seats in the class-room, we had to open a waiting list. The people on the waiting list have been warned and we rely on every applicant to let us as soon as possible if they can not make it to the school, to give more chance to fill every available seat.
Registration will open on the 5th of january 2022 and close on the 14th of february. The applicants selected to join the school will be confirmed by the 20th of february.